Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wanted this written down somewhere

"Then they ask me where I went to college, and I say New Orleans, and their excited expression turns to shame and all they can manage to get out is "oh", because instantly they know no story they can tell can top what I have done. I do not need to say a thing, they just understand. They know that their wildest night of college is just a regular Wednesday night for us Uptown. Their craziest Saturday night is business as usual for us on Bourbon. We New Orleans student are a special breed and trust me, everyone else is jealous."

(Ok, so this is entirely to boastful for my tastes, but the basic sentiment is there. Usually the basic "where did you go to school" question is a throw away and people barely listen to what you answer. But they all perk up their ears when they hear New Orleans and people get this sort of knowing tone and say "I bet that was interesting." Or something equally as vague but insinuating. Then I get Katrina questions. But the booze questions come first.)

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