Thursday, February 15, 2007


I had put up a post stating some of my political beliefs and thoughts. I decided to remove the post because, well, it had nothing to with sports and I just decided that I didn't want to go down that road. My personal thoughts and opinions on those things don't really matter because this is a sports blog.

Basically, I don't want this to become a battleground so we now return to our regularly scheduled programming...


Anonymous said...


I hope I didn't upset you about my response to your post. I thought it was entirely appropriate for you to post the political content on your blog. Please accept my apology if I offended you. I guess I was trying to start a conversation.

Anonymous said...

The trick is to have two separate blogs one for sports another that you can use as you soap box

But never forget its your blog you are always free to tell people to kiss your ass ;)

Nicole said...

No offense taken. I just decided to not go there on the blog.

But Chris is right. But I leave the raspberries for Ohio State and Michigan!