Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Women's Hockey's Jessie Vetter

Badger women's hockey goal Jessie Vetter is currently playing for Team USA (along with other current and former Badgers playing for both USA and Canada) I don't know a whole lot about team and club hockey, so I'll point you once again to these guys for everything you want to know.

They're responsible for pointing out this link, which is an awesome profile of Vetter that recently ran in USA Today. How cool for both a Badger and women's hockey to get such high profile attention.

Read the story here

1 comment:

60min said...

Thanks for the love, nicole. As for finding the article about Vetter, I gotta give props to the kids over on the uscho women's fan forum, as someone over there saw it first and shared. I'm a bit behind on our coverage of the Four Nations Cup, and I might not get caught up 'til Monday, since I'll be in Madison this weekend.